Thursday, August 26, 2010


Come to Life
Photo by Bgrace

Emily and I have been slowly working our way through I Samuel. I'm teaching her to teach it.
When I was a girl in Brazil my mother had the entire Bible in beautiful flannelgraph paintings. I remember how much I enjoyed putting together the scenery and characters even as an older child and seeing the story come to life. My job at the church plant usually involved teaching Sunday School and Children's Church.  (I was usually more than willing to have an excuse not to sit through hour long sermons, especially when my Dad wasn't preaching--he at least had good stories.)
As I was thinking about Em, and wondering how to teach her the Scriptures, I began to pray about using flannelgraph.  I realized that with her flair for the dramatic and her enjoyment of art, she might enjoy telling Bible stories this way more than just hearing them. And what better way is there to learn than to teach? So I bit the bullet and bought the entire Betty Lukens Bible in flannelgraph set. It's worth every penny.
I decided that since David's life is so full of drama, we'd start with I Samuel.  Emily has an amazing ability to remember the details of the story even after hearing it only once.  And it is SO great to hear her tell Sarah the stories.  Sarah's eyes get as round as saucers when Emily really gets into it.
I guess it's my first attempt at answering this question...
How does one raise a prophetess?


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you are teaching Emily Bible stories and that she is passing them on to little sister. I can't wait to hear her tell the story of David and Goliath. If she is anything like her mom, grandmom and great grandmom I will no doubt have tears in my eyes before the story is over. Dad

jean said...

Emily has a great example (mom) and Dan, Emily is a good storyteller and as well has a heart for the story.

Lauren said...

What a brilliant idea! What better way to learn than to teach? And with Em's personality, I can totally see this working. You show such wisdom, Bec. I hope I can raise my girls as well. Thanks again for lunch (and calling Jean over!) on Monday. You are both such a blessing, as are your girls.

Rebecca Grace said...

You are all so kind--we'll just have to have story time soon for L&B at the Bruckners.
(Maybe real soon.)\:-)