Saturday, May 15, 2010



Photos by Bgrace


Anonymous said...

Grandpa will want to see you in your new shoes ($70.)shoes and on stage some day or at least the basement floor showing off for me and grandma. We are so proud of you and your two sisters. I can't wait to see you do a "movement education" routein (sp)for us in October. When the leaves start changing color we will be ther. Grandpa.Love you all.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Grace!
You looked beautiful in your recital pictures. I loved #2 and#4
the best as I could see you in a
little bit of action. You will have to get your Grandpa to do movement education..he took that course at Temple. I am so proud
that you have reached an important mark in your ballet with your point shoes. Keep dancing and smiling. Grammy

Lauren said...

Grace, you look like a true dancer in these pictures!!!!